The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has been shouldering the weight of expectations for aspiring Human resource practitioners for almost 70 years. Its unflinching focus on dealing with the ergonomics of Human Resource Management has dealt it the pride of being the leader, in its own right. Resonating its teaching across business verticals are its 300,000 badged members, operating from 165 countries. A testament to SHRM’s value added HR-expertise, is the fact it has a surplus of 575 affiliated chapters within global financial hubs like the USA, China, India and the United Arab Emirates. The organization exists, with a sole moto of solving the most pressing needs of the human capital sphere simultaneously weaving the fabric of HR Managerial Leadership.
Alexandria, Virginia, United States
Less than Bachelor's/ Bachelor's/
Graduate with relevant experience
in HR depending on certification
Self Study/ Seminars/Educational
Partners/ Organizational Training & Development
$300 - $500
3 years