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New trends to tackle new challenges

July 10, 2017


Remember Dick Fosbury? Hopefully not, especially if you are not a sports veteran. Let me remind you. Dick Fosbury, who was comparatively a little-known athlete during the 1968 Olympics, made a history in High Jump by breaking the old world record of 5 feet and 8 inches and setting a new one of 7 feet and 4.5 inches.

Breaking Olympic records is not a big deal, then what’s so special about Fosbury? Well, Fosbury not only broke the record but also set a new trend in the field. He gave a new perspective to High Jump. Thinking differently, he turned the back towards the bar instead of turning the body. And the result? The Fosbury flop jump style came into being.

Think differently, come up with something new, and set new trends—our business world is dominated by this phenomenon. HR and talent management are no exception. With the game’s rules changing rapidly, both these departments need to think and act differently so that they can sustain in today’s skill-starving and fiercely competitive job market.

They now need to know how to think differently to recruit new employees. How will their recruitment strategy sustain the ever growing competition? And what will they do if they are unable to find the right talent at the right time?

Here are some points to contemplate.

  • Take care of your employment brand: Your employment brand is the essence of your organization. Especially, when it comes to attracting and retaining top talent, it plays a vital role. Is your employment brand strong enough to target top talent? Have you made your employees your organization’s brand ambassadors? Dwell on these questions to manage your employment brand.

  • Devise an effective campaign for social media: Recruiters should know well where most of the candidates are spending time. An industry study by Bersin, High-Impact Talent Acquisition (HITA), has revealed that mature talent acquisition functions are almost five times more likely to follow well-laid social media campaigns.

  • Create a strategy related to candidate experience: It’s essential to create an effective strategy related to candidate experience. It’s no more about “job”. But, it is all about creating “experience.” You may wonder how to create the experience? Here are some suggestions:

    • Create an amazing onboarding experience that will align with great candidate experience. Studies show that 22% employee turnover happens within 45 days of employment and more shockingly, 4% of candidates do not come back after their first day’s experience. It’s therefore important to tailor your onboarding programs as per different job roles
    • Treat new as well as departing employees well as both of them are your brand ambassadors. Also, who is leaving now may join back in the future
    • Build an engaging office environment, as if your employees are engaged, then your candidates will be engaged too
    • Last but not the least; treat all candidates the way they like to be treated
    • Reform candidate communication: Candidate communication is an important part of the recruitment process. However, most of the organizations pay little heed to it. Do send personalized content and messages to candidates so that they feel engaged even before onboarding. Also, you must ensure that all your messages are in line with the philosophy of your employment brand.

    • Create talent pipeline: Not to be missed, creating a talent pipeline is an important factor of talent acquisition performance outcomes. Create both active and passive talent pools, source from referrals, professional networks, job-providing sites, and ensure that your talent pool is strong enough to make any replacement fast when required.

    • Do not dare ignore metrics and analytics: When it comes to talent acquisition functions, understanding the significance of analytics and metrics matters a lot. Since different metrics are now available, organizations should first decide what they should measure and then, they should think whether they have the required technology to support requirements. It’s time to think beyond historical reporting and embrace predictive analytics.

    • Go for global talent acquisition: Research shows that 68 percent of talent acquisition functions are not globally prepared irrespective of the organizational maturity level. Talent acquisition leaders must consider the distinct talent landscape they possess—comprising the availability of candidates and their engagement, services providers, and technical solutions—in order to take their functions across the globe.